Monday, August 30, 2010

Bathroom Remodel Finished

The bathroom is complete.  From a construction standpoint anyway.  Still have to find a vanity type thing for Candice's get pretty space.  Also we are going to try to find a nice armoire to use as a linen closet.  But other than that, I'm done.  Here are a few shots I took...

From the doorway of the Master Bedroom looking in

Tiled shower with large window.

Closer view of sink and mirrors...


  1. It's a shame that outlet isn't centered...

  2. Yeah, totally. The grout job is top notch though! Hey, I heard that electrician is a real STALLION.

  3. Ya know? I heard that too! That is some mighty fine lookin' tile work.

  4. i would have given half of my thumb to have worked on that project!


Let us know what your thinking...